
Transformers Games Personality Quiz


Transformers Games Personality Quiz

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Internet Marketing Konsultan


eLifeconsult merupakan sebuah Internet Marketing Konsultan independent yang berusaha memberikan layanan seputar pemasaran produk online lewat media internet. Kami akan membantu mengoptimalkan pemasaran produk anda dengan strategi – strategi yang terkini.

di eLifeconsult anda dapat :
1.belajar internet marketing
2.belajar adsense
3.belajar adwords
4.belajar blog
5.belajar SEO
6.belajar entrepreneurship
7.bagaimana membangun bisnis online

Mari belajar internet marketing di :D , salam sukses ...

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Light Fixtures For Your Home


Light Fixtures is Important for your home interior Decor, how to create the ideal room with artistic feel but comfortable. Light Fixtures can be used for that ... as you know that used to create artificial light or illumination. A luminaire is a lighting fixture complete with the light source or lamp, the reflector for directing the light, an aperture (with or without a lens), the outer shell or housing for lamp alignment and protection, an electrical ballast, if required, and connection to a power source. A wide variety of special light fixtures are created for use in the automotive industry, aerospace, marine and medicine.

You can find Light Fixtures at home lighting so you can shop and search best Light Fixtures that fit for your home interior and decor. Many type of Light Fixtures there : bathroom light fixtures, ceiling light fixtures, and kitchen light fixtures, just Find and fit only for you room themes.

ENJOY ... Decorating with your Home Light Fixtures

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Home Guides Just For You


Home Guides Important for you to decor your home anda make it great interior for look and feel, just visit and find All in one Guides there that you need. You will find from references on televesion, media, internet and home Guides from for your home decor anda guide, So as you can see, gathering information and ideas from several different sources and compiling them all together in an easily researched form can be one of the best ways for you to get great home interior design ideas quickly and easily. provide Home Improvement Guide also you can find tools dan you need to improve your home and that tools are fore sale, find that you need and read the guide. If You need Guide for your Garden, just visit Gardening Tips. Find many resource that you need for your garden, like : Garden Design, House Plants, Flowers and etc.

Finally for complete your kitchen with equipment that make you easy to cook, visit Best Kitchen and Dining, tools and guides are availabe for you. You can buy directly equipment that you need like : Cooking Equipment, Appliances, Tableware and etc. that equipment with good quality, trust it.

ENJOY .. your Home... :)

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All in One Shop For Your House


Hello everybody ??? Are you looking for All All in One Shop For Your House Accesories, Accent, Furniture and etc ?? everything you can get it from, is All in one shop everything that you need and all for sale you can find Garden Accent, Home Accesories, Furniture, event Electronic software and hardware are available there.

After you build a house and garden sure you will need Home and Garden accents for your Home, then here I refer you Best Garden Accent. You will find all kinds of Planters, Hanging Planters, Bird Baths, Mailboxes and etc.

Decor your home with best interior design, and put Best Home Accesories, Home Accesories is something important for your home look and feel. Need Furniture ??

For your decor .. just visit Best Furniture then you can find kind of furniture that you need for your interior decor.
Happy Decor ..! ENJOY ... with

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DVD-R Media For Your Life


Similar in concept to CD-R, Blank DVD-R (or, DVD-Recordable) is a write-once medium that can contain any type of information normally stored on mass produced DVD discs - video, audio, images, data files, multimedia programs, and so on. Depending on the type of information recorded, DVD-R discs are usable on virtually any compatible DVD playback device, including DVD-ROM drives and DVD Video players. An early release of DVD-R was important to the development of DVD-ROM titles since software developers needed a simple and relatively cheap way of producing test discs before going into full production.

If you need Back up your data to the save media, you can use CD-R Media or DVD-R Media for your media. you can find Top Quality CD-R & DVD-R at a Great Price at Blank DVD-R Got Media Shop. you can find medias you need, it's offer offers a variety of media : DVD-R, DVD+R, DVD R DL (Dual Layer), Blu-ray Media, BD-R and etc.

there's one think that you must know that Data on a DVD-R cannot be changed, whereas a DVD-RW (DVD-rewritable) can be rewritten multiple (1000+) times. DVD-R(W) is one of three competing industry standard DVD recordable formats; the others are DVD+R(W) and DVD-RAM.

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Blog Advertising


Are you a Advertiser? are you ready advertise on blogs ..? it's time to promote and generate buzz from blogger, as you know blogger is potential market that can generate buzz and traffic that increase your productivity of market. start looking for blogger at then choose of blog that you interest to review your product that include link, anchor and other description about your product. after you choose a blog, that blogger review about your product and generate buzz and traffic.. it's awesome ..! your business will grow as fast as rocket, believe it..! let's go start looking for blog at Blogger Directory

if you are blogger, need some article. you can simply go to you can use it for a stand-alone section of a larger written work. These nonfictional prose compositions appear in magazines, newspapers, academic journals, the Internet or any other type of publication. here I tell you for blogger, you can earn money by reviewing the Advertiser's products. you can register your self at and submit your blog, after you submit your blog you must insert paying post code at your blog. if have inserted it then your blog can write review about advertiser's product. earn extra money online by submitting your blogs from different category.
more about Sponsored Reviews , let's start earn extra money, and get ENJOY.

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Iptables Firewall


Nowadays, technology is developed rapidly, the network computers always increased everyday. as you can see Almost in every corner of the city you will find internet cafes. I asked by my friend, where is I can get free article resource? then I told him, you can get it from

I haved read about article in Computer Technology category, it's amazing resource you can get from there. I read about firewall, A firewall is a part of a computer system or network that is designed to block unauthorized access while permitting outward communication. It is a device or set of devices configured to permit, deny, encrypt, decrypt, or proxy all computer traffic between different security domains based upon a set of rules and other criteria.

On Linux you can get program to managed this firewall, named as Iptable. iptables is a user space application program that allows a system administrator to configure the tables provided by Xtables (which in turn uses Netfilter) and the chains and rules it stores. Because iptables requires elevated privileges to operate, it must be executed by user root, otherwise it fails to function. On most Linux systems, iptables is installed as /usr/sbin/iptables and documented in its man page, which can be opened using "man iptables" when installed. iptables is also commonly used to inclusively refer to the kernel-level component Xtables that does the actual table traversal and provides an API for kernel-level extensions.

with Iptable you can improve your network from unwanted program to access your network, also can used as proxy server for your network. and where you can get iptable article ?? you can get it from from category "Computers and technology" or you can simply click this Iptable Firewall

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Setting DHCP Server Ubuntu Linux


DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) adalah protokol yang berbasis arsitektur client/server yang dipakai untuk memudahkan pengalokasian alamat IP dalam satu jaringan. Sebuah jaringan lokal yang tidak menggunakan DHCP harus memberikan alamat IP kepada semua komputer secara manual. Jika DHCP dipasang di jaringan lokal, maka semua komputer yang tersambung di jaringan akan mendapatkan alamat IP secara otomatis dari server DHCP. Selain alamat IP, banyak parameter jaringan yang dapat diberikan oleh DHCP, seperti default gateway dan DNS server. selengkapnya >>

Detail Konfigurasi Jaringan Saya :

Network =

Range IP = –

Gateway = (sebagai dhcp server juga)


Install Paker DHCP Server
$sudo apt-get install dhcp3-server

Edit Konfigurasi DHCP server yang berada pada : /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf dengan editor kesayangan anda.
cari baris berikut :

# A slightly different configuration for an internal subnet.
#subnet netmask {
# range;
# option domain-name-servers;
# option domain-name “”;
# option routers;
# option broadcast-address;
# default-lease-time 600;
# max-lease-time 7200;

ganti dengan :

# A slightly different configuration for an internal subnet.
subnet netmask {
option domain-name-servers;
option domain-name “”;
option routers;
option broadcast-address;
default-lease-time 600;
max-lease-time 7200;

edit default interface untuk digunakan sebagai DHCP Server, file konfigurasinya berada pada : /etc/default/dhcp3-server edit dengan editor kesayangan anda ! tambahkan interface default untuk DHCP Server pada section INTERFACES=”eth0″
default interface saya eth0
selanjutnya restart DHCP service anda :
$sudo /etc/init.d/dhcp3-server restart

Untuk Konfigurasi yang lebih Komplek akan dibahas pada tulisan selanjutnya.


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